Synopsys Euclide 2020.12 SP1 linux


 Synopsys Euclide 2020.12 SP1

Synopsys Euclide enables engineers to find bugs earlier and optimize code for design and verification flows by identifying complex design and testbench compliance checks during SystemVerilog and Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) development.

Euclide accelerates correct-by-construction code development through context specific autocompletion and content assistance that is tuned for Synopsys VCS® simulation, Verdi® debug, and ZeBu® emulation, helping engineers to improve code quality during the entire project development cycle.

Synopsys Euclide features on-the-fly incremental compilation, elaboration, pseudo-synthesis and rule checking, all of which are integrated into the editor and provide feedback in seconds. Euclide helps to minimalize implementation bugs in RTL and testbench, improving project convergence rate and eliminating patchy code.
